JavaScript Reflection

01 Sep 2016

JavaScript is an interesting language, and I think it’s okay. This class is my first real exposure to it. I’ve heard about the language through my peers and work (at DevLeague, which has it’s main source of income as a web development bootcamp). I was told about the structure and both similarities between Java and JavaScript, and how they’re basically the same in the way “car” and “carpet” are the same. It’s easy switching languages from Python and Java to JS, because the syntax and logic are the similar, which I like. However, a few things about it are a little odd in the way that it’s not very structured or defined, such as with its typecasting rules. I personally prefer Python and like it about the same as I do Java, but overall, I like the language and I can see how it has many applications.

I believe JavaScript is a good programming language from a software engineering perspective because it fits the topic. Software engineering is great for knowing how software works and how to design it, and JS facilitates that greatly. It can produce results quicker than other languages, which allows for better testing. Its many applications, especially in web app development, can make it easier to use for software engineering as it assists in learning design and group work.

I enjoy the style of “athletic software engineering”. I think it’s great for learning JS and coding in a limited time can make regular coding a breeze. Once your mind gets used to having to solve the new problem so quickly, it really strengthens your programming and problem solving abilities. The practice WODs are very useful, as they let me know what to expect and give me some practice before doing the real thing. While this style of learning is fast-paced and could cause pressure, I don’t really think it’s stressful. I enjoy that kind of work environment, as it pushes me to do the best I can, and it seems to be working out well.